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Exchange Server 2003 SP2 and Exchange Server 2007 SP1 and SP2 run into hacker problems
All of you Exchange 2003 and 2007 users out there need to be on the lookout. Word is there hackers have been using vulnerabilities present in the service packs to both programs to exploit users. The vulnerabilities allows hackers to take control of a user’s OWA session and issue commands up to the level permitted by security controls without the user knowing.
Microsoft has recommend users upgrade to a version of the program that does not invite such indiscretions. They mean, of course, Exchange Server 2010.
Microsoft does give a helping hand, though, by providing a handy list of the Exchange versions that are not affected, and those include Exchange 2000 SP3, 2007 SP3, 2010 and 2010 SP1.
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